New and updated features.

These release notes give an overview of the changes for the 2021-40.x to 2021-49.x releases of the VMware Tanzu Observability (formerly known as VMware Aria Operations for Applications) service.

2021-49.x Release Notes

2021-48.x Release Notes

  • vRealize Operations Integration v1: We now have released the first version of the vRealize Operations integration. It currently fetches only vCenter Server adapter resources, such as Cluster Compute Resource and Datastore. We will add more features to this integration in future releases. For information about setting up the integration, the current limitations and caveats, see vRealize Operations Integration Overview.
  • Metrics Browser Improvements: Consistency improvements for the Metrics Browser.
    • Unclutter that page with Load More option.
    • Improve accessibility.

2021-46.x Release Notes

2021-44.x Release Notes

2021-43.x Release Notes

  • Accessibility Improvements: We have made a number of keyboard navigation, colorblind accessibility, and focus indicator fixes. See the full list of pages with end-to-end keyboard navigation support.

2021-42.x Release Notes

  • New Service Accounts Group: All existing service accounts are moved from the Everyone group to the new Service Accounts group. Make sure that you:

    1. Review your Dashboards and Alerts access control lists and include the new Service Accounts group, according to your needs.

      For example, if you have granted service accounts with access to certain dashboards and alerts through the Everyone group, you must update the access list to include the Service Accounts group or specific service accounts, so that the service accounts can access the same dashboards and alerts after the migration.

    2. Review and adjust the permissions that are currently set on your Service Accounts group according to your needs.

2021-40.x Release Notes

  • SYNTAX_ERROR Alert State: Starting with this release, a SYNTAX_ERROR alert state indicates that the alert query resulted in a syntax error. This might happen, for example, if a text string with special characters is missing double quotes, but could be the result of other query errors.

    The error state is visible, for example, in the Alerts Browser and the Alerts Browser search bar.

  • Upcoming Service Accounts Changes: Within the next releases all service accounts that you have created in your Wavefront environment will be moved out of the Everyone group and added to a new Service Accounts group.