Queries for common alert scenarios in VMware Tanzu Observability (formerly known as VMware Aria Operations for Applications)

Our Customer Success team has found that customers use certain alerts frequently. For example, customers want to alert on point rate drops or on between specific times.

Alert on Point Rate Drop

Define an alert that compares the number of data points reported in the last time window to the number of data points reported in the window before that. If the last time window is X percent less, return 1 to alert.

For example, here’s the query for an alert that fires if the number of processes for app-5 drops by 5% in a 30-minute time window:

mcount(30m, (ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5"))) <
mcount(30m,lag(30m,(ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5")))) * 95/100

Alert on Missing Data

Define an alert that compares the number of data points reported in the last time window to the number of data points reported in the window before that. An alert like that is useful for example, if you want to be notified when a service stops sending points.

For example, here’s the query for an alert that fires if app-2 sent bytes more than 30 seconds ago, but stopped sending bytes in the last 30 seconds.

mcount(30s, (ts(~sample.network.bytes.sent, source=app-2))) = 0 and mcount(30s,lag(30s,(ts(~sample.network.bytes.sent, source=app-2)))) != 0

See Also: Alerting on Missing Data

Alert on Exceeding a Threshold

Define an alert that fires when data exceeds a threshold.

For example, here’s the query for an alert that fires if the number of sample processes for app-5 is greater than 100.

(ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5")) > 100

If you paste the query into the alert’s DATA field as is, you create a single-threshold alert. Specify a severity and associated recipients to send notifications to the recipients when the condition is met.

To create a multi-threshold alert:

  1. Use (ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5")) in the alert’s DATA field and click Next.
  2. Select greater than.
  3. Next to each severity, specify the threshold, for example, next to Severe type 100 and next to Warn type 90.
  4. Specify recipients for each severity.

See Create and Manage Alerts for details and a video.

Alert Only Between Specific Times

Define an alert that fires only between specified times.

For example, here’s the query for an alert that fires only on Thursdays between 8 and 5 PST.

(ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5")) > 100
and between(hour("US/Pacific"),8,5)
and between(weekday("US/Pacific"),4,4)

The following diagram shows the corresponding query in a chart.

alert times

Alert When There Are More than X Points in a Time Window

Define an alert when there are more than a specified number of points in a specified time window.

For example, here’s the query for an alert that fires if the number of sample processes for app-5 is more than 100 in a 30-minute time window.

mcount(30m, (ts(~sample.process.num, source="app-5"))) > 100

Alert on Wavefront Proxy

The data from agents such as collectd, Telegraf, etc., are sent to the Wavefront proxy and the proxy pushes the data to the Tanzu Observability service. Make sure that the proxy checks in with your service and that data is being pushed to the service. You can set up the following alert to monitor the proxy:

mcount(5m,sum(rate(ts(~proxy.check-in)), sources))=0 and mcount(1h, sum(rate(ts(~proxy.check-in)), sources)) !=0

This query uses the ~proxy.check-in metric to verify that the agents are reporting. By applying a second argument to the alert query, you capture any time series that reported at least 1 value in the last hour and that stopped reporting in the last 5 minutes.

Monitor Wavefront Proxies discusses how to use the Proxies Browser and the out-of-the-box proxy dashboards, and lists the ~proxy internal metrics.