Learn how to filter and explore logs in the Logs Browser.

If you notice anomalies on your metrics charts or see that a service on the application map has large latency value, use the Logs Browser to troubleshoot your issues.

Get Started with the Logs Browser

The Logs Browser supports in-depth exploration of your logs. As a user with the Logs permission, you can zoom into a time window, and you can filter and search your logs, so that you see exactly what you’re interested in.

To use the Logs Browser:

  1. Configure your application and the log shipper to send logs.
  2. In a web browser, log in to your product instance as user with the Logs permission.
  3. On the toolbar, click Logs > Log Browser.

On the Logs Browser, you can filter and examine logs for a selected period.

An annotated screenshot of the Logs Browser.

  • From the toolbar, you can set the time window and the time zone for which you want to filter the logs.
  • From the predefined Source and All Tags filters, you can select tag key-value pairs that you want to include or exclude from the logs search results. The include and exclude filters that you select are added to the search query in the search bar.
  • In the search bar, you can directly enter include and exclude filters and add them to the search query.
  • The logs chart shows how many logs matching the search query were sent in each time bucket for the selected time window. You can zoom in on smaller time windows. You can also group the number of logs by the values of a particular tag.
  • The logs table lists the logs matching the search query for the selected time window. You can click a log to see the log message. Each log is classified by one of the following colors.

    Color Description

    Logs that have the term warn or warning.

    Logs that have the term debug or trace.

    Light theme   Dark theme

    Logs that have the term error or critical.

    Light theme   Dark theme

    Logs that have the term info.

    Light theme   Dark theme

    Unclassified logs that don't have any of the above terms.

  • From the Link button on the left, you can copy and share a link to your current logs search query.

When auto-search is OFF, after you change the time window or the search query, to get the search results, you must click Search . Otherwise, the search runs each time you change the time window or the search query, but that might slow things down.

To enable or disable auto-search:

  1. In the top right of the toolbar, click the Auto Search drop-down menu.
  2. Select On or Off

Set the Time Window

You can narrow down the logs list to show only logs from a particular time window.

An annotated screenshot of the Logs Browser.

  • From the Time window picker, you can select either a preset time or custom start and end dates and times.
  • From the Timezone drop-down menu, you can select your preferred time zone, so that the timestamp values of the logs convert to the time zone that you selected.
  • After you get the first search results, you can examine the logs chart and further adjust the time window. See Drill Down from the Logs Chart.

Each time you change the time window, the predefined Source and All Tags filters update to show only the tag values that exist within the selected time window.

If auto-search is OFF, after you change the time window, you must click Search to update the logs table and the logs chart to show only the logs with timestamp values within the selected time window.

Build Your Search Query

To narrow down the logs list and show only the logs that match certain criteria, you can build and run a search query in the search bar. The search query consists of one or more filter expressions.

Filter Types and Logical Operators

Filter Expression Description
<tag_key> = <tag_value> Include tag filter, which retrieves only the logs that have the specified tag key-value pair.
  • If you add multiple include tag filters with different tag keys, the logical operator between them is AND.
  • If you add multiple include tag filters with the same tag key but different tag values, the logical operator between them is OR in parentheses.

For example, if you add the following combination of filters:
source = dc1 source = dc2 region = us-west region = us-east service = auth
We parse them as follows:
(source = dc1 OR source = dc2) AND (region = us-west OR region = us-east) AND service = auth

<tag_key> != <tag_value>

Exclude tag filter, which retrieves only the logs that don't have the specified tag key-value pair.

If you add multiple exclude tag filters, the logical operator between them is AND.

For example, if you add the following combination of filters:
source != dc1 source != dc2 region != us-west
We parse them as follows:
source != dc1 AND source != dc2 AND region != us-west

message = <keyword>

Include message filter, which retrieves only the logs that have the specified keyword.

If you add multiple include message filters, the logical operator between them is AND.

For example, if you add the following combination of filters:
message = hello message = hi
We parse them as follows:
message = hello AND message = hi

message != <keyword>

Exclude message filter, which retrieves only the logs that don't have the specified keyword.

If you add multiple exclude message filters, the logical operator between them is AND.

For example, if you add the following combination of filters:
message != hello message != hi
We parse them as follows:
message != hello AND message != hi

You can add search filters from the predefined filters in the left panel and from the log viewer. You can also directly enter filter expressions in the search bar.

Add a Tag Filter

To add a tag filter from a predefined filter:

  1. Select the target tag key.

    Select a tag that is listed under All Tags in the left panel and expand the target tag key.

    The filter lists all tag keys from the beginning of the logs ingestion and all tag values for the selected time window and the current search query. For each tag value, the list shows the number of logs matching that value.

  2. Select the target tag value and the filter type.
    • To add an include tag filter, select the equal (=) sign for the target tag value.
    • To add an exclude tag filter, select the not equal (!=) sign for the target tag value.

To add a tag filter from the Log Details window:

  1. In the logs table, click a target log message to open it.
  2. Select the target tag key-value pair.
    • To add a source tag filter, in the Source tile, click the horizontal ellipsis.
    • To add an application tag filter, in the Application tile, click the horizontal ellipsis.
    • To add any other filter, click the target tag key-value par at the bottom of the log viewer.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Include or Exclude depending on the type of filter that you want to add.
  4. Close the Log Details window.

Add a Message Filter

To add a message filter from the Log Details window:

  1. In the logs table, click a target log message to open it.
  2. Select the keyword for which you want to add a search filter.
  3. Select Include or Exclude depending on the type of filter that you want to add.
  4. Close the Log Details window.

To add a message filter directly in the search bar:

  1. In the search bar, enter the target keyword or expression and press Enter.

    You added an include message filter. For example, if you enter hello and press Enter, the resulting search filter is message = hello.

  2. If you want to change the filter to an exclude type, click the filter and select Exclude Expression.

If you want to directly add an exclude message filter, enter the entire filter expression, for example, message!=hi, and press Enter.

The keywords that you searched are highlighted in the log messages.

Edit or Delete a Search Filter

To edit or delete a search filter:
  1. In the search bar, click the target filter expression.
  2. Edit or delete the filter expression.
    • To change the filter value, select a new tag value or edit the keyword.
    • To change the filter to an include type, click the Filter Expression option.
    • To change the filter to an exclude type, click the Exclude Expression option.
    • To delete the filter, click Remove from query.

Drill Down from the Logs Chart

The chart at the top of the Logs Browser shows the number of logs distributed over the selected time window. The chart consists of 60 buckets. With a 15-minute time window, each bar on the chart shows the number of logs for each 15-second time interval.

If you notice a spike, which means that more logs were sent, you can zoom in on the chart to examine the data. As you zoom in, the logs table below the chart shows the data for the new time window.

Let’s look at an example:

  1. In the screenshot below, the logs chart has three spikes. If you want to zoom into the time window of the last spike, drag-select the area of interest and, if auto-search is off, click Search. a screenshot of selecting the area on the chart to zoom in.

    The logs chart shows the data for the zoomed-in time window and the logs table is updated so that it shows the logs from the new time window.

  2. Hover over the area above the right side of the logs chart, click the plus (+) icon to zoom in further as needed and, if auto-search is off, click Search. a screenshot with the zoom in options highlighted with a red box

  3. To group the logs in the logs chart by the values of a particular tag key, from the Charts drop-down menu, select the grouping tag key. The legend explains which color maps to which value of the grouping tag key. a screenshot with the zoom in options highlighted with a red box

Customize the Logs Details Table

Add or Remove Columns

The logs details table has the Timestamp, Source, and Message columns by default. Follow these steps to add columns.

  1. Click the add columns icon in the top right of the table.
  2. Select the columns that you want to add. The options you see are the tags you defined during log shipper configuration.

Here’s an example that shows how to add the level column to the table.

a screenshot of the add column options.

Change the Number of Lines per Row

By default, the logs details table shows one line per row, that is, per log. If you want to see bigger previews of the log messages, to increase the number of lines per row:

  1. Click Options above the logs table (top right).
  2. From the Results line display options, select the maximum number of lines that you want to show for each log.

    The options are 1, 3, 10, and All lines per log. a screenshot showing the load more results text

Enable or Disable Auto-Load During Scroll

When you search and filter logs, you can decide how you want to load the results in the logs table.

By default, scroll auto-load is enabled and logs load as you scroll through the logs table. If scroll auto-load is disabled, to load the next set of results, you must click Load More Results.

To disable scroll auto-load:

  1. Click Options above the logs table (top right).
  2. Turn off Scroll Auto-Load. a screenshot showing the load more results text

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