Learn about Tanzu Observability (formerly known as VMware Aria Operations for Applications) with videos.

This page contains the playlists with our videos. You can instead watch them from the Tanzu Observability channel on VMware TV here.

Getting Started

This playlist includes videos with conceptual background and some how-to videos. You can also watch the playlist videos here video camera icon.

Understand and Ingest Data

This playlist includes videos about data ingestion, tagging data, Wavefront proxy, and more. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

Examine Data in Dashboards and Charts

This playlist includes videos about examining data and fine-tuning your display. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

Create, Manage, and Optimize Dashboards and Charts

This playlist includes videos about creating and customizing dashboards and charts. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

How to Use Alerts

This playlist includes videos about viewing alerts in the alerts browser and creating alerts. You also learn about alert states and lifecycle and about maintenance windows. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

How to Query with WQL or PromQL

This playlist includes videos with background information about querying data, and about using PromQL in the query editor. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

Distributed Tracing

This playlist includes videos on how Distributed Tracing works and on how to explore traces with our GUI. You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.

Get Data In by Setting Up an Integration

This playlist includes videos on:

  • Sending metrics data from a Windows host.
  • Using the Tanzu Application Service integration.
  • Setting up the Kubernetes Observability Operator.

You can also watch the playlist videos in your browser here video camera icon.